Fat Boy With The Sacred Beer Barrels - Using Blender 3.3 Will the incredible luck of the country boy continue?. Who knows but the goods will always demand a price for such good fortune.
Aventador At SimonsTown Naval Base RSA - Rear View Is dit nou goed genoeg ?. Simonstown HDRI. Using branched path tracing in cycles picked up the 'glow' from the vehicles paintwork. Cycles is a quality rendering engine which challenges VRay in my opinion.
Aventador At SimonsTown Naval Base RSA Is dit nou goed genoeg ?. Simonstown HDRI. The render looks good with some nice colour scattering. Used BPT. It is a backplate but I made a special shadow catcher to merge in and get the reflections.
Lamborghini Countach LP500 Quatrovalvolle This is the third of the three vehicles I am working on modelling. It has been the hardest. Like the other two I am continuing to work on it as there are obvious areas that need tweaking. This is 100% modelled from scratch based on a drawing. Simonstown HDRI.
C1 1957 Corvette This is being modelled from drawings and some very helpful reference images. Its 100% original modelling. No kit bashing here. The paint job looks particularly good and is a variation on the KT original nodes. A work in progress. Simonstown HDRI.
Corvette C3 1979 Custom First attempt at modelling the Corvette from some drawings. It can only get better !. Really this helped me to better understand the need for a well thought out topology and how the control points in the mesh with just a little alteration can drastically alter a body shape. Used branched path tracing for rendering. Simonstown HDRI.
Lady Arabella Stuart Daughter of Elizabeth Cavendish and Charles Stuart. Cousin to James VI of Scotland and niece to Mary Queen Of Scots. Grandmother was Bess of Hardwick Hall. Cheated from her inheritance and birthright. Eventually imprisoned without charge of any crime by James VI in the Tower of London where she died in 1615. She had better claim to the English Throne than James VI.
Harley Fat Boy Teal And Cream Slowly working up improving on the 3D modelling side of things. Still a country mile to go though but I am enjoying learning. I love these sixties and seventies colours - they are timeless. Branched path tracing on this render. Simonstown HDRI
Cardinal Wolsey Thomas Wolsey b.1473 d.1530. Was one of the favoured ministers until he failed to secure the despot Henry VIII marriage annulment. Charged with treason he died of natural causes on his journey back to the tower. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2017
Two Bikes At Simonstown One of the bikes is my favourite Harley and it looks great in this blue paint job. The other is the result of a tutorial and it is in Kawasaki Green.
Elizabeth Woodville - The White Queen Elizabeth was the consort of Edward IV. She used her status very cleverly and managed to marry off much of her family into the English titled classes. She met her match with Margaret Beaufort the mother of the murderous tyrant Henry VIII.
BathSheba Everdene Visits A Lancashire Beauty Spot From 'Far From The Madding Crowd' by Thomas Hardy. She fitted well to the beauty of this place which is only 3 miles from Bolton. Hardy could have written another book about the events surrounding this character when she was here . © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2015
Harley Davidson Centennial Knight Lot of fun making this image. Good practice in creating smooth/hard edges. The glossy textures and a 10K HDRI makes plenty of noise and even at 5000 samples it's still noisy. More to do on this. Different Knights and bikes to build next.
The Earl Of Surrey (b.1517-d.1547) - Henry Howard at Windsor 1532 The eldest son of the Duke Of Norfolk. As a child he was the long term companion to Henry Fitzroy one of Henry VIII illegitimate children. Later an accomplished soldier and father. The King in his syphilitic madness executed him in 1547. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2015
Lamborghini Reventon This Reventon has the McLaren Orange body colour.The back plate is a .jpg from a company selling driveways who will be using this render in promotional material.
Amniotic 4S MK1 Domestic Droid This droid features full sentience via its solidified amniotic cores. With 32,000 programmable functions and a 500 year guarantee this Amniotic 4S MK1 will enhance your lifestytle immensely. Available globally through 4S registered resellers. The image was derived through following a number of tutorials from KT. Find it hard not to branch off from these and go in my own creative direction. It's a solid foundation though and worth your precious $. Anyone who can master these tutorials will be good enough..
Rodrigo Borgia - Pope Alexander VI The reputation and hostility towards the family is largely undeserved. In the most part it is taken from gossip and rumours. That which is true shows they were no better or worse than others vying for the mantel of pope. ©Blender Artist 2015
Harley Concept Bikes Two Harley Bikes looking good. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
Hoplite At Practice A young hoplite practices throwing the training dori. This is a half size spear with a ball shaped sarouter. I am working on several of these scenes after the works of Sir Lawrence Alma Tadema the great Durch Artist. They are very complex with many figures and the most complex marble. All set in the Aegean.
Ragnar Ragnarrson An elderly Viking raider who still has enough to put the fear of God into the Northumberland Villages his men loot and pillage
Feeding A Temple Snake At The Delphic Oracle The Pythian Priestess has prepared some tasty morsels for one of her Temple snakes. They serve her rituals best when fed and numbers will be given food each morning. I need to work on the particles and other areas which I will do over time.
Stanford Lucy Memorial Using the Stanford Lucy model and some complex textures for this rendering.
Caterina De Medici 1519-1578 Caterina became the most powerful woman in Europe during the sixteenth century through her marriage into the French Royal Court. She had all of the Medici guile and bore ten children into what were very turbulent times for the monarchy.
The Guitar Player Playing the guitar or any musical instrument is a favourite of many artists. Both CG and other mediums. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
Bathsheba Begs Troy Not To Leave Her - One Morning In May Troy has discovered that his past lover has died in childbirth with his baby. He prepares to go from the Farm to F-Robins graveside but Bathshebas begs him to stay as he carries with him all of her hopes and dreams for the future.But she has lost his love for someone now dead. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2015
Sergeant Troy With The Regimental Ram The Ram has learned much from Frank Troy about the pursuit of the opposite sex. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2015
Choice Of The City Of Culture Professional Drinkers A new style of Buckie consumption is now available. In these handy six packs or the soon to be released 15 Litre backpacks. Purchase is a requirement for entry to the 'NED Of TheYear' competition held near to the home of the Grand NED of NEDs. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014
Powder Blue Veneno Roadster 2014 The Veneno is a beautiful looking car. Also a beautiful price. Only 14 were made in 2014 and sold at prices between $4.5M and $7.4M each. It's a permanently open top. You love it or loathe it. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
Veneno In Grey A Beautiful Veneno pictured in the Nappa Valley California. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014
The Precious Ram In Spring Time Near to where Bathsheba visited lived this ram. Seperated only from his ewes by two walls which he regularly destroyed in his efforts to serve them. Even the chain was given a hard time surviving. Persistence and Determination will always prevail. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2015
Red Beauty Veneno Side View At Summer Sunset. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
Edward Plantagenet - King Edward IV Here pictured at the battle of Barnet in 1471. At this battle Edwards one time friend and ally the Earl Of Warwick was slain. There followed a period of relative peace before Edwards death in 1483. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2015
Veneno Roadster 2014 Most expensive supercar made. Starting at $4.5 million. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
Black Aventador At Sunset Black Aventador using OpenEXR 10K. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
Spanish Style Comb Morian Helmet Richly Engraved Style of c.1570 The Morian Helmet was common throughout Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. Although closely associated with the conquistadores it was in fact prevalent in many European countries. This is a ceremonial rather than a battle helmet. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014
Sir Thomas More Lord Chancellor to Henry VIII - From an image painted in 1532 by Master Holbein The man who was for all seasons. The jewelled collar denoted his office. A staunch Catholic who refused to acknowledge the tyrant Henry VIII as his supreme spiritual leader. He was later beheaded for this. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2015
Red Square Overlay Blender 2.71 Various Models In Red Square. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
The Demon Ambassador Dantalion the 69th Demon of the Goetia. His human form is varied but by his followers actions you will know of his presence. He gives all knowledge and secrets to his followers who have dared to make a pact with him. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
The Long Journey Home The long drive home can be really arduous.Even with three short haired blind tartan truffle pigs it can still take hours. Add a deceitful but always ready Swedish sow to the team and watch those boars go into turbo mode chasing that hot spot. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2015"
Gorilla Motorcycle For Virunga National Park Created in Blender 2.72 from a Poison Cookie tutorial. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
The Maid D'Orleans Loosely based on a painting by Sir John Everett Millais the great pre-raphaelite artist. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014
A Girl Reading Inspired By Perugini Blender 2.71 Girl Reading. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
The Blender Angel This is a scan from Stanford Labs. Originally 500 Million Faces!. Remember Blender is FREE open source software . Don't be taken in by the sites who want you to pay to learn. Better tutorials on YouTube. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2015
A Fur and Baltic Amber Merchant From Szczecin, Poland At The London Stalhof 1532 The London Stalhof was one of many trading areas set up by the Hanseatic League - a group of Germanic merchants. In London the Stalhof (Steel Yard) was a duty free trade zone and Merchants visited from all over Europe to trade their wares. It still exists as a tourist place.The head is a scan from Ten24 - much SSS work on it. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2015
Tudor Cloth Of Gold Only the highest ranked of Tudor Royalty were allowed to or could afford 'Cloth Of Gold'. This fabric cost the equivalent today of $50,000 per metre. It was just right for the ostentatious Tudors. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2015
The Alchemist A seeker after the total control of the elements as was known in 1530. His skin is scarred from many accidents as materials exploded. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2015
Lady Mary Guildford At Hampton Court 1527 Based on an image by Hans Holbein when Lady Guildford had reached the advanced age of 29 years. More to do on this but its something I will keeep coming back to so watch this image change over time. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2015
The Next Move Really Counts At night once the store has closed the mannequins play chess for the right to take centre stage in the shop window. Just like in life. All the moves count towards the end game. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014
Marcus Aurelius Adopted by Hadrian and was Roman Emperor in A.D. 161-180. An educated man and military strategist. Not adding another twenty feet in height to Hadrians Wall was his only error. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
Margaret Throckmorton Blender 2.71 Margaret Throckmorton. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
Cutty Sark Officer All done in Blender 2.72. Three particle systems employed. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
The First Sea Lord Blender 2.71 Lord Nelson. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
QPPSAG Member Makes Death Threats To Opposers The shareholders support group QPPSAG contains many very agressive members. All reminiscent of the 1930's fanatics. But incredibly this is a share and not a political party. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
Sioux Lakota Indian This indian brave is teamed up with the horse in the preceding image.The main aim here was the creation of feathers using a particle system. It took a long time to render due to the massive number of particles. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
Tea On The Terrace Blender 2.71 Meal On The Terrace. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
Harmony Rocket Guitar Happy memories of The Twisted Wheel in Manchester and Stevie Winwood playing an earlier version of this guitar. He really could play the blues and used a steel slider to get his effects. Later he became famous with 'Traffic'. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014
Lute And Flute Blender 2.71 Lute And Recorder. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
The Breaking Of The Union The Scottish people are divided as to their continued presence in the United Kingdom. Glasgow wants independence from everyone and free Buckies for all. The arguments pros and cons make for a poisonous brew. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014
The Blender Guru Is Reinstalled With A New Belief System And Renamed 'The Toxic Guru' - 2013 Conference For the crime of questioning the holy interface and inciting the Blender Sheeple to thought the Guru is sentenced to be reprogrammed . Faled. He's now even more troublesome and arrogant. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014
Horse in Low Poly To capture the suns rays through the horses mane was the aim of this. The horse is blocky due to the low poly count but I like that as it works better for me than the high resolution alternative. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
A Wood Spirit Blender 2.71 The Wood Spirit. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
Medusa Blender 2.71 The Medusa of Greek Legend. In Blender 2.71. The snakes are a particle system based on a single object. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
Three Clocks Two Tompion Style Longcase Clocks and a Lantern CLock. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
The Great Bed Blender 2.66 The Great Bed. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
KnightTT The Turntable Knight - To see a 360 degree view go to Blenderartist.co.uk/KnightTurntable.avi. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
Snake Column At Delphi Blender 2.71 The Snake Column At Delphi 400 B.C. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
Coffee Time Blender 2.71 And some Post in CC 2014. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
Discobolus After Myron 500 B.C. Blender 2.71 Discobolus. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
Gorilla And Rope Of Amber Beads An exercise in the use of arrays, paths, curves and subdivision modifiers. The gorilla has 365,000 hair particles. The floor is a variety of medieval tiles I combined. All created in Blender 2.72. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2014.
Lamborghini Veneno Roadster 2014 At Summer Sunset The Veneno is handbuilt and was manufactured in very limited numbers ay a cost of $4.5M each. HDTI 10K lighting set. Blender 2.77 with cycles @2,500 samples. © BlenderArtist.Co.Uk 2017.
Fleetwood Lancashire Panoramic View Taken using the Huawei P30 Pro Smartphone. Auto was on. HDR was On. The original version was 5782 x 3860 pixels.